Erwachsenenbildung verändert das Leben vieler Menschen. Sie macht Europa gerechter, gesünder, grüner und fit für die Zukunft. Die European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) hat mit Blick auf die Europawahl 2024 zehn Empfehlungen herausgegeben.
- Recognise the role of adult learning and education (ALE) in transforming Europe and fostering democracy.
- Make adult learning and education a political priority in the eu and across all countries.
- Invest in adult learning and education to make it accessible to all.
- Do not tax the right to education.
- Put adult learners at the centre.
- Help adults reconcile work, parenting and caregiving with lifelong learning.
- Support and empower adult educators.
- Raise awareness about the benefits of adult learning and education in europe and globally.
- Transform cedefop into a european competence and research centre for lifelong learning.
- Monitor progress in adult learning and education in the european semester.